
The fundamental importance of Integration for Ketamine therapyKetamine was first synthesized in 1962. It has become one of the most important medications worldwide as an anesthetic, alternative to opiates, and more recently, the newest antidepressant.

Key Facts

Ketamine can treat depression and suicidality rapidly – within hours.

2. Ketamine can treat depression and suicidality rapidly – within hours.

Ketamine isn’t a magic bullet that cures everything! It’s a remarkable tool.

3. Ketamine isn’t a magic bullet that cures everything! It’s a remarkable tool.

Get more informatin about Ketamine assisted psychotherapy here.

Want to make the effects of ketamine for depresson last longer? 

1. Ketamine is an anesthetic?

Ketamine is an FDA approved anesthetic considered vital throughout the world because of it’s incredible properties.  Ketamine can induce a dissociative state, and provide profound pain relief without diminishing airway or breathing. 

Is ketamine an anesthetic? An anesthesiologist would answer this question a little differently. The answer is yes and no. How can it be both? The dose is vital to understanding ketamine’s effects.

The dosing is significantly higher for anesthesia that what is typically given in an outpatient clnic for treatment of depression – as much as 2-4x higher to induce anesthesia compared to treatment of depression. Not only that, low dose ketamine is given over 40 minutes while anesthesia is given as a bolus or all at once!

Depression for ketamine

Ketamine for Depression

0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg given over 40 minutes

0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg given over 40 minutes

Ketamine for anesthesia

Ketamine for anesthesia

1 to 2 mg/kg given all at once

1 to 2 mg/kg given all at once

Anesthesia doses are 2-4x greater than those used for Depression

Anesthesia doses are 2-4x greater than those used for Depression

2. Is ketamine a psychedelic?

Ketamine became more mainstream when other notable psychedelics were being used like LSD or psilocybin. 

Short answer –yes – and there’s nothing wrong with that. Ketamine is most certainly a psychedelic. It exhibits psychedelic properties, and reliably induces a psychedelic experience in individuals who go through ketamine treatment.

For years research into psychedelics was limited but research into psychedelics is increasing at a phenomenal pace. The MAPS or Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic studies has leading the way since 1986 overwhelming institutional and cultural biases against this important therapeutic class of medications. Their website is an incredible read about the evolution of psychedelics from fringe cultural movement to rigorous clinical studies.

Johns Hopkins University, highly respected medical institution launched their Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness research. While not the first, it’s the world’s largest. the highly respected institution Early results have been promising and seem poised to keep the research on a roll.  

Great reads if you want more information about psychedelics and research

Scientific American January 16, 2020
Research news

3. Is ketamine is a party drug?

The answer to that is yes, unfortunately. Popular in the 1970’s there’s been a resurgence as legitimate medical ketamine use has grown. Like any other medication, ketamine can be abused.

Recently published in JAMA Psychiatry law enforcement has seized more than 1,500 pounds of illicit ketamine in 2022 entering the country – roughly 12 times more than in 2017. “Ketamine is possibly the major advance in the area of psychiatry in the past fifty years, but it’s not without risk,” said Dr. Gerard Sanacora, a psychiatry professor at the Yale School of Medicine. “It’s always been a balance. The reality is it is an amazing treatment for many people, but we also know that it is a drug that people misuse and will abuse. And if there isn’t tight control on it, you can guarantee that it will find its way into illicit drug use.”

Addiction can be one of the known side effects of long-term recreational use of ketamine. In the context of legitimate medical use, ketamine’s use for substance disorders is being explored with multiple studies now published on alcohol cessation, opioid misuse disorder and cocaine addiction. There is positive data that is goes well beyond the scope of this post (but is well summarized in this comprehensive review published in 2022. Regardless, a history of addiction doesn’t exclude a patient from ketamine, though everyone would agree, active substance abuse may. 

4. What is a K-hole?

Ketamine can induce a state of dissociation. What does that mean? Dissociation can be described as an out of body experience, or sensation being separate from your body.

At lower doses, like the ones used for depression – ketamine is well tolerated. While patients report some dissociation – upwards of 20% – this sensation is well tolerated. Preparation is key, as well as being able to rapidly treat an unpleasant experience.

You can see the potential for panic and anxiety in anyone, let alone someone suffering from anxiety and panic disorder! Another reason to vet your provider for how they would deal with this. Generally, the psychological effects of a K-hole can include:

  • feelings of detachment or disassociation from yourself and your surroundings
  • panic and anxiety
  • hallucinations
  • paranoia
  • changes in sensory perception, like sights, sounds, and time
  • confusion
  • disorientation

The term K-Hole is when these side effects are severe

5. I heard ketamine is a horse tranquilizer

And you would be correct! Ketamine is very widely used for anesthesia and analgesia by the veterinary profession. It is the only injectable anesthetic that is safe and well tested in the full range of species,  for large and small animals, common and exotic pets. That doesn’t mean it can’t  be used in humans. 

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In addition to offering only the highest quality non-invasive treatments, implant therapies, and ketamine, the Libertas provides believe that transparency and honesty are instrumental to success.

We educate and guide our patients through the various options available to curate an individualized experience while in our care. 

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